Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why Linux? Why?

OK so i have used Linux on and off for many years, i have tried about every distro known to man but still find my self asking why?

Why are people still using Linux? I can't figure it out. It is such a pain in the ass in so many ways and I'll talk a bit about it.

I want to start with one area that always got under my skin and that is the "support" So if you run into a problem you think ok no big deal I'll hop on the forums and a linux guru will give me a hand. You couldn't be more wrong. Give that a try and you will get one of two answers. "Google it!" Wow now that is helpful. Or you will get bashed and flamed by like 30 people for being a noob. Awesome guys thanks a lot for your help! If you are reading this I dare you to give it a try, go on ask a question and see what happens.

The next source of frustration is an area that should be really simple, installing an app. Now if you use the native package manager than its not to bad. It is a little weird but in the end you normally will end up with what you wanted. If its not in the package manager however you are in for a hell of a ride! You are going to have to be a programmer so you can compile the install package or have the terminal code to use apt-get. Either way you will most likely need a hand and that will bring you back to my first point.

Last Linux users like to sit on there high horse and act like linux can do anything. Well this couldn't be more misleading, if you use linux you have just joined the most incompatible group out there. You can't play games, run Word, Photoshop, and the list goes on and on. Now I'm sure I'll get bashed for saying that but Gimp is not Photoshop and you need to be a programmer to get MW3 to play on you computer and that's only if there is a driver out there for you graphics card! 

Bottom line is Linux has a long way to go so if this offends you then your probably one of the flamers I'm referring to.

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